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Disease Predictor App (Submitted by John Mutisya from Innovation Africa, Tanzania)


The Need


People are often unaware of disease (e.g., Cholera, Diarrhea, and Malaria) patterns such as their correlation to external factors such as weather (e.g., rainy v. dry season), the rate of spread, etc. and are therefore unable to prepare accordingly to prevent and effectively treat its outbreak.


The Challenge


Develop an app for feature phones that can track disease patterns and help with early disease detection and warning signs so that people are better able to prepare for disease outbreak through preventive and reactive measures.


Existing Solutions


Smartphone App: Affordable Disease-Detecting Device

In this app, the mobile’s built-in camera and processing power can be used as a biosensor to detect toxins, proteins, bacteria, viruses and other molecules. This app bears bio-sensing capabilities through which tracking of groundwater contamination can be done. Later, the tracked information can be coupled with the GPS data of phone to locate the origin or spread of pathogens. This system is highly useful to get the complete diagnostic tests of clinics or hospitals as well as check the contaminant in food processing and distribution chain. The best part of this system is it can perform testing immediately, that’s too without much investment. This cradle is wedge-shaped and a series of optical components – lenses and filters – are befitted with it. According to the position of optical components, this cradle holds the phone’s camera. Exactly at the core of the biosensor, a photonic crystal is located. Basically, this photonic crystal is just like a mirror which can reflect the light of only one wavelength. However, it allows the passing of rest of the spectrum. If any biological components like proteins, cells, pathogens or DNA get attached to the photonic crystal then the reflected color wavelength will shift from shorter to longer. Talking about the handheld biosensor, a normal microscope is primed to react to a specific target molecule. There is a slot on the cradle in which a photonic crystal slide is inserted. The reflected wavelength shows as a black gap in the spectrum and after exposure to the test sample this spectrum is re-measured. By measuring the shift of the reflected wavelength, an app comes to know the amount of targeted molecule in the sample. Within few minutes, the entire test gets completed. Although the cradle contains only about USD 200 of optical components yet, it performs the test as appropriate as large USD 50,000 spectrophotometer in the laboratory. Along with it, this device is also portable. Under the study published in the journal Lab on a chip, the team performed the detection of immune system protein. But, any other biological molecule can also be recognised by this.

- Learn more: X4k.dpuf



Lets people take urine samples with their mobile device. Obviously, pee and electronics don't mix, so this app instead uses the smartphone's camera to determine what's in urine. Dubbed Uchek, the app involves the user peeing into a cup, putting a color-coded urinalysis strip into the cup, taking of photo of the results, and then letting the app work its magic. Uchek can detect up to 25 diseases, such as diabetes, urinary tract infections, and pre-clampsia. It can also measure the levels of glucose, proteins, ketones, and more. According to Wired, 1,200 sample tests showed that the app was more accurate than humans interpreting the color-coded strips. Uchek is currently working its way through Apple's approval process and Ingawale is also working on an Android app, according to Wired. The app will cost 99 cents and users can buy a packet of strips and a color-coded user guide for $20.

Currently: iPhone and Android



Smartphone app for halting crop diseases

A simple smartphone app could halt the spread of one of the most devastating viral diseases of cereal crops worldwide. At least that’s the hope of Penn State researchers who are creating an app that can demonstrate the value of predicting where and how quickly the barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) will spread within individual fields of wheat, barley, rice, and oats. Just as important, grain growers’ reaction to such an information system will be evaluated. They envision growers, crop consultants, and other agricultural professionals reporting crop and pest data for particular fields via smartphone to be combined with weather-based models. The reporters will then be able to view online maps showing the locations of insects that spread the disease and forecasts of their population movements and changes. BYDV is spread by more than 20 species of aphids that transmit the virus to plants when they insert their mouthparts into the sticky phloem. The infection zaps the plants’ resources, leaving them less able to photosynthesize. The result is a yellowing of the leaves and reduced growth.  This damage can cause yield losses of up to 70 percent, and the problem is expected to grow with climate change. The disease is not well reported in Pennsylvania, so its symptoms are often mistaken for poor nutrition. According to Rosa, there are currently no control options once BYDV infects plants, so growers target the insects that transmit it to prevent its establishment. They scout for aphids and apply pesticides when it seems to make economic sense. However, aphid scouting is time consuming and costly, economic returns are uncertain, and the overuse of pesticides can have detrimental environmental effects.“If BYDV was devastating every year, we wouldn’t need a system like this,” Rajotte says. Because the disease is variable and patchy, a warning system makes sense.


Currently: in development stages

Learn more:


Mobile SMS-based disease outbreak alert system

e.g., crowdsourcing to report through text on first disease outbreaks

- See system in Kenya:




SMS for Disease Outbreak

DoctorMe, take care of own healt

HIV iChart by eMedFusion: meant to provide potentially life-saving information when you can’t make it to a pharmacy. Search results are highlighted in either red, yellow, or green to alert the potential severity of a drug interaction.

PozTracker by PozTracker Ltd: designed to fill in the missing pieces of your treatment plan. From medication reminders to test results charts, this app is easy to download and use on all of your Apple products.

iStayHealthy by Peter Schmidt: gives useful information about meds and potential interactions. It also allows to sign up for reminders so patient don’t miss out on any step of your treatment. This resource also provides basic information surrounding the scope of HIV/AIDS for newly diagnosed patients.


HIV Testing Sites & Care Services Locator by DHHS: Stopping the spread of HIV requires testing. The problem is that most people in the early stages of the disease don’t even know they have it. To promote the ease of testing, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services designed the free HIV Testing Sites& Care Services Locator. Made for the iPad and iPhone, this app provides testing center information based on your location from anywhere in the country. You can also look up care facility information within the privacy of your own touchscreen

Changeforlife: It calculates your heart rate by scanning the arterial changes on your fingertips to let you know how fast your heart is beating. It can then generate a report of your heart rate , let you keep notes and also track multiple profiles. Reports for each individual can be easily exported and printed.

uHear: test to check if your hearing is within normal range. There are three tests available: Hearing Sensitivity, Speech in Noise and Questionnaire.

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