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Tracking Software for Exceptional Students


Submitted by: Morgen Mutsau, Information Technology Consulting Group (ITCG), University-Industry Linkage Consortium, University of Africa (UoA)


Contact: Morgen Mutsau


As Zimbabwe enters the knowledge economy, the country has embarked on a program to identify and track the most talented people in the high schools and tertiary education institutions. They are scattered all over the institutions and capable of contributing to the development of the country in a major way.


The country does not have a mechanism to track these talented individuals and the institutions that have been built to address these kinds of challenges do not yet have the consensus required to push for such a facility with a single voice. There is however enough will to mobilise the relevant institutions to take part in the implementation of the program if the software is available.


The country, like many developing regions suffers from the effects of the digital divide. The digital divide results is a scenarios where there is differentiated ICT literacy making quite difficult to implement most knowledge based development strategies. The existence of a generic software could create a platform where different types of talent could be identified and then the different types of scholarship money available for different development projects could be specifically directed to such high potential investment.



Option Two: Dependable Strengths Tracking Software


An application similar to the one above, this software would track specific traits in students and create a psychological profile of them. This could be achieved in many different ways. For examples, game based tasks can be designed to diagnose students from an early stage their psychological profiles. For example, a racing car game can be used to track people with fast reflexes and etc. So a firm or government can lay out a task first and then start to reverse engineer the identity of an ideal profile by letting different targets play certain games or do certain activities which are designed to highlight their psychological profile.


Software for updating Parents on the progress of their children in school


Submitted by Morgen Mutsau, Information Technology Consulting Group (ITCG), University-Industry Linkage Consortium, University of Africa (UoA)


Contact: Morgen Mutsau


Different parents get the shock of their lives when students end up failing beyond their expectations. The modern metropolitan professional is always overwhelmed by a busy schedule and multiple responsibilities.


Many times they leave no space for their kids and the children become very distanced from their parents. They cannot follow the events happening at their kids’ schools, the marks their children are making at school, the challenges that their children are facing or any time to make dialogue with them.


This software enables the busy parents, especially academics and highly paid executives to get reminders on their emails and phones on all important development in their children’s lives so that despite their busy schedules, they can systematically plan to give attention to their children.


So the software will constitute a system of reminders that will be flushed to the parents’ cell phone and email.

This includes important events as birthdays, prize giving days, sports days, merits won by child etc. If they are programmed well, executives can find ways to systematically plan their family time and probably get help from Pas and other loyal staff to make sure the boss’s life is in good order.


The application could also involve anniversaries, birthdays etc even time to collect the baby from school etc. The application will not only work for the children but for the wife and family.


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