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Submitted by Maja Ben Zion


The Need


Children stories are a critical part of education that can help teach the next generation values such as tolerance and empathy, yet stories are often limited in geography and exclude critical lessons from other parts of the world.


Potential Technical Solutions


To develop an application that will allow illiterate people to both share stories and illustrations of their own tales as well as listen to stories from around the world in their language.



Organisation Who Will Implement the Solution


Vazary is a website that encourages parents to read classic world stories to their young children and urges children to submit illustrations for the stories to the website’s exhibits and competitions.Once fully developed, Vazary will function in a myriad of languages to allow children from around the world to accessstories that teach lessons about accepting the other, striving for peace, sharing resources, etc. with the hope that when the next generation become leaders, they will incorporate these values into their decisions. Given that in much of the developing world, parents cannot read and there is little access to Internet, we would like to explore ways in which children can access stories from around the world and share their cultures as well.Therefore, in this Hackathon we wish to develop an app that can give people in the developing world with limited literacy the opportunity to take part in Vazary’s vision, with the illustration submission portion being a key part the project.


Relevant Links


Sharing Children Stories App

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