Pears Challenge 2019 Tel-Aviv & Jerusalem Launch Events - INNOVATE FOR WASH
Innovate for WASH Tel-Aviv & Innovate for WASH Jerusalem Events brought together innovators, Humanitarian practitioners and water expert to discuss the challenges and opportunities in bringing innovative water, sanitation and hygiene technologies to the field. The events were a great way to kickoff our recruitment campaign for the Pears 2019, we are convinced that the high energies, engaging discussions and innovative mindset in these events are a great indication to the fascinating program we have ahead of us.
A big thanks to our incredible speakers from both events:
• Saul Singer, Co-Author START-UP NATION
• Sivan Yaari, Founder and CEO of Innovation:Africa
• Mandie Winston, Executive Director ,JDC GRID
• Mino Negrin, CEO & Founder NUFiltration
• Max Simonovsky, CEO & Founder Soapy
• Genevive Estacaan, Imri Schatterornan & Tatenda Probert Malan, Glocal International Development Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
• Oded Distel, Director, Israel New Tech & Eco Systems, Ministry of Economy and Industry.
• Karmit Berlinsky, Logistics and Operations, NATAN - International Humanitarian Aid
• Hagit Krakov, Regional Program Director, IsraAID
• Olaf Pots, Senior Humanitarian Logistician
• Dr. Aliza Inbal, Director, Pears Program for Global Innovation
Our sponsors:
JVP Media Quarter, Start-Up Nation Central, Urban Place and ii2020.
And our dear community partners:
Sid Israel,PresenTense, IsraelAid, SifTech, ג'וינט ישראל - JDC Israel, Made in Jerusalem, Glocal , The Israeli School of Humanitarian Action, NATAN Aid.