BOP Conference
The Base of the Pyramid (BOP) Conference included a panel discussion and lecture on models for doing business with the Base of the Pyramid (BOP), with representatives of local companies exporting technologies targeting the global poor. The event began with an introductory talk on business models for the global poor, presented by Leehe Skuler of TAU. Leehe spoke about the obstacles facing traditional market participants when addressing this market segment, and presented how innovative business models, technologies, and partnership models can overcome such barriers (click to view the presentation). Leehe’s presentation was followed by a panel discussion called "Partnering on BOP business models" moderated by Nir Hermelin. Panelists included: Danny Ariel (Netafim), Andrea Kruchik Krell (Microfy), Tzameret Fuerst (PrePex), Yonatan Millo (Israel for Africa).